Mel Shaker
Model / Actor / Singer / Songwriter

We are all storytellers. There are so many forms of sharing story. Whether it be verbal, or through a picture, or my favorite way…. in song.
I have been writing poems since I was eight. At 13 I picked up a guitar and taught myself how to put notes to my stories. At 17, I took this out into the world…and sang my stories.
I also started to model then, at 17. Being a beach-bum. I was a volleyball player, a very good body surfer, and Frisbee thrower, so my stories of athleticism were captured in many ways.
Now here I am in my glorious ‘mature’ years. My two daughters all grown up. Mid 50’s, and still telling story via capture on a ‘card’. (gone are the days of film!) I love the camera, and it still loves me. Getting paid to smile, to rock a bikini, or even a handstand, I am so blessed to have a livelihood that I love.